There's so much more to running dog friendly cottages than just booking our lovely guests and their dogs in. Team ERC often go above and beyond to help guests.....here are just a few recent examples....but which one do you think would happen to you??
Gathering together left behind items and sending them on (just about everyone!)
Balloons and bubbles installed for a surprise celebration event (Sue and others)
Taking a video of a driveway access so a guest can decide if campervan will fit (Sue)
Getting flexi bandage and dressing from Pogo's yard and dropping it off to a guest for her dog's cut paw on a Sunday. (Sue)
Cutting short a day out in Norwich to get a key to guests who had locked themselves out and lost the key safe key (subsequently found by a kind cafe owner)
Dog sitting while a guest goes out for dinner or a trip (Sue + many of the owners)
Booking a restaurant for a stressed guest's first night (Louise at Vic Cottage)
Collecting fish and chips for the first night if a guest wants them (Tracie at Edelweiss)
Lending spare mobile phone chargers (just about everybody!)
Amending welcome pack when guests turned out to be veggie (Helen at The Crib)
Taking a guest to hospital (Sue) as a taxi would have been too expensive
Giving guests a jar on mint sauce on a Sunday when the shops where shut and saved their roast!
Getting a wheelchair and attending to a guest with broken ankle
Tim & Liz Arnold rescuing guests when they broke down at cart gap - they hadn’t even reached the cottage. Liz came to the rescue & brought their elderly mum to cottage where we had hot tea waiting & Tim collected some of their luggage from car so they could get dogs fed.
Bought an elderly dog (on his final holiday) a wheat cushion we could warm up to keep him comfortable.
Going to the rescue of a guest who had fallen and badly broken her ankle at a cottage. It was a 3 hour ambulance wait so Sue and Roger (who is First Responder) headed over and helped get her into the car so her hubby could take her to hospital. Sue then dog sat their 4 gorgeous dogs for the rest of the evening and Rog came over with her plated up tea!
Rescuing a couple who had a very nervous dog and had missed the footpath and ended up in the middle of a field as the dog was too scared of the traffic!
Taxi drivers when guests have been out for dinner and not been able to get a taxi back.
During power cut, paying for takeaway food.
Letting guests stay an extra night (well timed maintenance break) because the roads had flooded where they lived
Providing extra towels and bedding mid week when everyone came down with a bug.
Guest's car broke down and Chris at Oak Cottage spent the day helping them source and change parts.
Spending more time on Christmas Eve and day with guests at cottage than at home with family - water tank burst when we had 22 guests over for a party - left them all eating and drinking while we spent evening (until early morning) fixing things - but then had to go back early Christmas Day ferrying back and forth with food/ equipment etc - poor guests they were so grateful we all had lots of Prosecco and they even booked a return visit !
In a power cut, we cooked the guests dinners for them from the food they had bought, and delivered it to them.
And there are SO many more examples!
The reason? We love what we do, and we love our guests, and we truly want you and your dogs to have the most positive experience when you come and stay with us.
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